
BlackBerryは2月3日、TCL CommunicationによるBlackBerryブランドのデバイス販売が終了すると発表しました。TCLとのライセンス契約の終了によるものです。


  • 本記事は広告およびアフィリエイトプログラムによる収益を得ています。


BlackBerryは2016年に自社による開発を終了し、2016年12月にTCLとブランドライセンスおよび技術サポート契約を締結。その後TCLからBlackBerry KEYone、KEY2、KEY2 LEなどが販売されてきました。日本でも代理店経由で販売されています。


When TCL Communication announced in December 2016 that we had entered into a brand licensing and technology support agreement with BlackBerry Limited to continue making new, modern BlackBerry smartphones available globally we were very excited and humbled to take on this challenge. Indeed our KEY Series smartphones, starting with KEYone, were highly-anticipated by the BlackBerry community. What made these devices great wasn’t just the hardware developed and manufactured by TCL Communication, but also the critical security and software features provided by BlackBerry Limited to ensure these were genuine BlackBerry devices. The support of BlackBerry Limited was an essential element to bringing devices like BlackBerry KEYone, Motion, KEY2 and KEY2 LE to life and we’re proud to have partnered with them these past few years on those projects.

We do regret to share however that as of August 31, 2020, TCL Communication will no longer be selling BlackBerry-branded mobile devices. TCL Communication has no further rights to design, manufacture or sell any new BlackBerry mobile devices, however TCL Communication will continue to provide support for the existing portfolio of mobile devices including customer service and warranty service until August 31, 2022 – or for as long as required by local laws where the mobile device was purchased. Further details can be found at or by phoning customer support at the numbers found at

For those of us at TCL Communication who were blessed enough to work on BlackBerry Mobile, we want to thank all our partners, customers and the BlackBerry fan community for their support over these past few years. We are grateful to have had the opportunity to meet so many fans from all over the world during our world tour stops. The future is bright for both TCL Communication and BlackBerry Limited, and we hope you’ll continue to support both as we move ahead on our respective paths.
From everyone who worked on the BlackBerry Mobile team at TCL Communication over the years, we want to say ‘Thank You’ for allowing us to be part of this journey.



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スマートフォンは2010年にXperia SO-01Bを買ったのが最初。同時にb-mobile U300で格安SIMも始めました。これまでに数百台のスマホを手にし、格安SIMも常時20種類以上契約しています。
